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What is the classification of the hot air curtain?

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What is the classification of the hot air curtain?

Date:2016-02-26 00:00 Source:http://sh-lanyun.com Click:

Hot air curtain

A. Can be divided by appearance

Large hot air curtain: mainly applicable to shopping malls and industrial and mining enterprises, large energy consumption of hot air curtain, FengMen effect is better

Small hot air curtain, installation height is not more than 3 m, the energy consumption of the air curtain is smaller

鸿运国际2. According to heat transfer can be divided into as well

鸿运国际Electricity hot air curtain, easy to use, no pollution, low cost of installation, the economy is applicable and the effect is good

Piping hot water hot air curtain: the system requirements such as water temperature is higher, the effect is generally

鸿运国际Steam hot air curtain, steam consumption is larger, restricted by the steam boiler, the best results

3. According to the direction can be divided into the air

鸿运国际On air supply hot air curtain (ld) : the wind from top to bottom, most hot air curtain is in this form

鸿运国际Side supply hot air curtain (side) : horizontal air supply, when installation height more than 5.5 m should be taken to this form

鸿运国际4. According to the use of motor can be divided into

Tubular hot air curtain, air volume is small, the installation height of 2.8 meters

鸿运国际Axial flow hot air curtain, air volume is small, the installation height of 3 meters

鸿运国际Centrifugal hot air curtain, air volume is bigger, according to the power of the motor to adjust the installation height, no more than 5.5 meters

Related Tags:Hotaircurtain

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