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Electric heating air curtain machine brand and product characteristic function is introduced

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Electric heating air curtain machine brand and product characteristic function is introduced

Date:2016-02-28 00:00 Source:http://sh-lanyun.com Click:

Steam air curtain

As the weather turns cool, electric heating air curtain machine start into a period of sell like hot cakes, but now there are a lot of customers don't know or don't understand electric heating air curtain machine, now I will give you introduce electric heating air curtain machine

鸿运国际The characteristics of the electric heating air curtain machine:

1, electric heating, air curtain machine, there are two files, can blow natural wind in summer, winter can blow hot air, let just in customers can feel a little warm, is a lot of occasions, such as hotels and bath center, large supermarket must have the equipment. 

2, electric heating air curtain machine stop contact inside and outside air, can keep the indoor temperature, in particular, some need to open the customer in the winter, after installed the electric heating air curtain machine, can effectively block the cold air into the indoor outside, effectively keep indoor temperature.

Wind curtain machine is strong airflow through the penetration wind flow, forming a invisible door curtain, therefore, also called wind wind curtain machine, air curtain machine, air curtain machine, air brake, air door.

鸿运国际Air supply form of air curtain machine, there are usually used beam type, side to send type and the type 3 kinds.

鸿运国际1. Give the wind curtain machine 

鸿运国际The upper air curtain machine installed in the doorway. Beam type wind curtain machine installation is simple, does not occupy a building area of, don't effect the beauty of the building, the sanitary condition of the supply air flow is better, applicable to the general public buildings. While giving type wind curtain machine stop outdoor air cooling efficiency is not the following type air curtain machine, but it is still a form of the most promising. General wind curtain machine the purpose just stop the outdoor cold (hot) air, usually only set mouth, no return air mouth, free jet and the ground contact to the interior diffusion, the wind curtain machine called a simple wind curtain machine. For the high requirement of construction, in order to better organization flow, set mouth blowing over the door, the ground return air mouth, air after filtering, heating and other treatment circulation use.

鸿运国际2. The side wind curtain machine 

鸿运国际Wind curtain machine installed in the side was, divided into unilateral and bilateral two kinds. Industrial building, when the outside door width is less than 3 m, appropriate USES single air supply, when the outside door width is 3 ~ 18 m, appropriate USES unilateral or bilateral air supply, or by the downward air supply. In order not to stop the airflow, equipped with side send type within the wind curtain machine door are strictly prohibited to open it.

鸿运国际3. Send the wind curtain machine

Centrifugal sirocco curtain machine

The wind curtain machine installed under the ground. Due to the type of the air curtain machine jet strongest area at the bottom of the door, so resist the winter cold wind from the bottom into the wind was the best efficiency, and is not affected by the door open direction. But the type of the air curtain machine to send air supply outlet under the ground, easy to be stolen goods jams, and the supply of air easy to dress up is not popular with people. Under the current delivery type wind curtain machine has rarely used. Special function wind curtain machine: replaceable "aluminum alloy wheel" (new, with remote control); But with the function of anion (remote control); Explosion-proof motor (can be customized) or more brands on the market now, and the quality of the products are relatively mature, but better than plastic, and metal case won't fade! In addition, there is also a hot wind curtain machine function.

鸿运国际The wind curtain machine also is what we call the wind curtain machine, first introduced to China, is from the former Soviet union and Japan respectively in the two countries introduced to our country. The introduction of the former Soviet union is hot air curtain machine, mainly used in the north of China, to partition to keep warm in winter. From Japan to introduce to our country's wind curtain machine, no heating section, mainly used in southern China, when using air conditioning cold partition, at the same time to purify the isolation in purification plant import and export. Application in our country until now, these two technologies has been completely mingled with the neighborhood for different applications, have different wind curtain machine to meet the need of its use.

Related Tags:Electricheater

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